Sound and Movement Training

Florence Gardam

Nutritional Therapist & Raviv/Sound training/Neuro linguistic Practitioner (NLP)


The three-step programme is a holistic approach that combines nutrition, movement and sound therapy to support children with learning difficulties.

The human brain is continuously developing over our lifetime, with the most significant developmental milestones happening during childhood. Your child begins developing neural connections in the brain from birth. Involuntary movements by your baby are stimulating muscle spindle messages to the vestibular system and cerebellum, which in turn stimulates connections in the frontal lobe – the part of your brain associated with planning, understanding behaviour, memory and problem-solving.  The sounds your baby hears allow the brain to create the necessary neurones to identify individual phenomes in each word.

Movement is a critical part of brain development. Social and emotional development, cognition and language skills begin here, from simple reflexes to gross motor skills - running, walking and sitting to posture and balance - and fine motor skills used for writing or colouring and finally to develop language.

Like a pyramid of orderly behaviour, if a child skips any of these developmental stages, perhaps due to a neurodevelopmental issue or even a childhood illness, there can be consequences later in life. Assessing development milestones and retained reflexes is a potential indication for brain immaturities, i.e., where sections of the brain are not fully developed. Many of these indicators can manifest at school and contribute to low academic performance and social behaviour issues, delays in language development, poor co-ordination, reading, writing difficulties and anxiety.

Children that participate in our three-step programme can see outstanding results in as little as 12 weeks (results are individual to the child’s ability), such as:

  • Improved co-ordination and ability in sports
  • Moved up 2-3 reading levels
  • Class participation
  • Listening and talking skills
  • Interest in reading
  • Academic achievement in maths and science
  • Increase memory
  • Improve attention and focus
  • Ability to follow instructions efficiently in noisy classroom
  • Ability to distinguish sounds,
  • Improve vocabulary, speech and spelling.




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