ADHD Specific Coaching 

The coaching provision we offer in this practice is part of a treatment path, founded on the belief that a multidisciplinary approach is the most effective method to help you successfully and confidently manage your ADHD symptoms. Here at the Practice we offer a dedicated, collaborative team approach to encapsulate all elements of your treatment pathway, therefore eliminating the consuming process of liaising between individual facilities/departments and providers whilst continuing to ensure the highest possible standard of confidential care. The team of healthcare professionals work diligently to manage your treatment, liaising with each other to share your care between their wealth of experience ensuring that you receive no less than an excellent quality of consistent service from diagnosis to discharge.

Traditionally coaching and therapy have been provided separately, leaving many clients wondering if they need therapy or coaching first.

We believe the key to successfully understanding your diagnosis is both!

  • Coaching addresses challenges, leading to the creation of solutions, action and change.
  • Therapy facilitates emotional healing, personal growth and enhanced levels of wellbeing.

Treating one without the other may offer some solutions, however, if one does not treat both simultaneously there is risk of a patient finding themselves stuck in a perpetual cycle which will likely prevent them from completely mastering their ADHD brain in order to reach their full potential.

 What typically tends to result from just investing in a ‘solution based’ coaching treatment plan without the therapeutic care element, is often a range of very useful skills and techniques which can certainly be implemented at one’s disposal to navigate the challenges brought about by having neurodiversity. However, as you will be aware the ADHD brain will seldom stick to these tools in the long term or maybe even the following week. This can lead to catastrophic repetitive cycles that may erode one’s levels of self-confidence and self-esteem.

By investing in coaching and therapy simultaneously within your sessions, you will learn how to regulate the emotional impact of having ADHD which so often hijacks the success of implementing the coaching skills you have learned.

ADHD medication and/ or Functional Medicine work well to help you with the core, primary, physical presentation of symptoms such as the impulsive, hyperactive behaviours and inattentive features by addressing, among other factors, the dopamine deficiency in your brain.

ADHD coaching provides an essential insight regarding how to overcome the difficulties associated with the secondary issues that manifest, from the consequences of a imbalanced ADHD brain, such as executive function and behavioural difficulties.

 The following problems may arise :

  • Difficulties organising yourself or household – keeping track of physical, mental and social tasks or responsibilities.
  • Initiating & completing tasks – being able to start, remain focused on and complete a task.
  • Planning and prioritising – making plans and prioritising tasks, especially as new/time sensitive tasks appear. 
  • Working memory – keeping information in your mind whilst using it. 
  • Time management – too early or too late, difficulties with estimating how long it takes to get somewhere, over/underestimation of how long it takes to complete a task. 
  • Emotional regulation and cohesion– knowing how to accurately identify, acknowledge, process and manage emotions, especially with regards to difficult ones often resulting from ADHD issues, such as frustration.
  • Self-awareness – being able to acutely track how you are doing in the moment. 
  • Impulse control – thinking before taking action. 
  • Flexible thinking and behaviour, being able to adapt to and cope with change in surrounding environments.

When your brain is struggling to successfully juggle day-to-day tasks the result is often emotional overwhelm, emotional dysregulation, and/ or exhaustion.

This can look and feel like :

  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Anxiety/panic attacks
  • Using substances or often self-destructive behaviours to calm and manage e.g; drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, shopping, food, exercise.
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Poor self-confidence & self-esteem
  • Relationship breakdown
  • Suicide ideation.
  • Low mood
  • OCD
  • Disordered eating

With our comprehensive ADHD specific coaching and therapeutic intervention, you will cultivate a compassionate, healthy relationship with yourself where you will learn how to make sense of your diagnosis, what this means both now and for your future as well as making sense of your past. In addition, you will provide your future self with the best possible platform to achieving your full potential in a sustainable approach that you should be able to confidently continue to implement long-term.

Once you have the knowledge of how and why your ADHD brain works like it does, you will find it easier to master the many demands you face in day-to-day life without feeling overwhelmed, a failure or burnt out.

What is a joint care plan/treatment pathway and why do I need it?

If you are reading this, there is a good chance like many of our existing patients and clients, you have already tried to access the help you need though your GP, private therapy, medication, self-help and likely found none of it quite did the trick. At this Practice, our approach to your wellbeing supports the notion that with the correct psychological diagnosis, the correct medication and the appropriate specialist whose approach resonates with you and can provide the practical interventions, psycho-education and therapeutic interventions you need, the neurodiverse condition you were born with no longer has to be viewed incorrectly a detrimental aspect of your personality, but rather a beautiful one contributing the very uniqueness that makes you, you! Here at the practice, we are very pleased to confidently offer such a facility in which such interventions, intersect perfectly to provide you with the life sustained skills to achieve your innate potential.

So what now?

We encourage colaborative relationships, to create an individualised coaching plan based on the needs we jointly identify as areas which you would like to work on.

The skills you will learn in your coaching sessions will become your life instruction manual for getting the best from your brain and reaching your true potential.

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